Symposium Challenges Christians to "Breathe" Intellectual Charity

ROME, JULY 29, 2003 ( Christian intellectuals from several countries meeting for the 4rth Rosminian Syposium entitled «Globalized Humity,» are challenged to breathe «intellectual charity» into today’s world.

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The Rosminian Symposia began in 2000 to carry Catholic philosopher Antonio Rosmini Serbati’s voice to the contemporary intellectual dialogue. Rosmini lived from 1797 to 1855, and is in the process of beatification.

Identity, cosmopolitanism, humanism, and culture are some of the aspects studied during the four-day congress, being held in Rosmini Hill, Italy, from August 27-30. Participation is free.

The Rosminian Studies Center has made available 50 scholarships to cover the cost of accommodation for Italian and foreign students. To apply for a scholarship, you may send an e-mail to:

Outstanding among the participants are Robert Sirico, founder of the Acton Institute; Italian sociologist Giuseppe de Rita, secretary general of the Censis Foundation and president of the National Council of the Economy and Labor; and Italian philosopher Vincenzo Ferrari.

Antonio Rosmini founded the Institute of Charity, a religious congregation that today has 330 men (religious), 220 of whom are priests.

For Rosmini, the practice of charity had three characteristics: spiritual, intellectual, and corporal charity. A campaign against Antonio Rosmini and his philosophical and theological works led to their condemnation by the Holy Office.

However, following in-depth study of Rosmini’s works, a «note» published on June 30, 2001, by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, concluded that today «the motives for concern and doctrinal difficulties» may be considered surmounted

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