The decision was made following Monsignor Renato Boccardo's visit to Germany in July, according to a Catholic youth Web page, which is following preparations for World Youth Day. Monsignor Boccardo, who works in the Vatican, oversees preparation of the Pope's apostolic trips.

The opening Mass with Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, and the welcome ceremony for the Pope will take place in the Poller Rheinwiesen, a field on the banks of the Rhine.

The organizers expect up to 350,000 young people in the Poller Rheinwiesen from Aug. 16-18, 2005.
The great vigil and closing Mass with the Pope will be held at the Hangelar of Sankt Agustin airport in Bonn on Aug. 2021. At least 800,000 youths are expected to attend.