Cardinal Pietro Parolin at the UN. Photo: America Digital

Pope’s Secretary of State gathers Pontifical Nuncios in Jordanian capital in view of situation in Middle East

During the meeting, the following topics were discussed: the current crises in the region, the political and ecclesial situation in each country, the visible signs of hope in some of these countries, the serious humanitarian situation in which the people most affected by the conflicts find themselves, and the need for solidarity on the part of the international community.

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(ZENIT News / Amman, 01.13.2024).- 13 January 2025, His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, presided  over a meeting held in Amman with the Pontifical Representatives accredited to the Kingdom of  Bahrain, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,  the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Iraq, the State of Israel, the State of Kuwait, the Republic  of Lebanon, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Palestine, the State of Qatar, the Syrian Arab  Republic, and the Republic of Yemen.

 During the meeting, the following topics were discussed: the current crises in the region, the  political and ecclesial situation in each country, the visible signs of hope in some of these countries,  the serious humanitarian situation in which the people most affected by the conflicts find themselves,  and the need for solidarity on the part of the international community.

Hope was expressed that there would soon be a cessation of hostilities on all fronts and that  the Middle East could be a land of peace, where Christians remain an essential element of fraternal  coexistence among the various religions and of the progress of the respective nations.

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