Innovation Needed in Charitable Work, Says Archbishop Cordes

BERNE, Switzerland, SEPT. 5, 2003 ( Catholic relief organizations are called to show imagination in their charitable works, the president of the Vatican organization for charities told Swiss bishops.

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Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council «Cor Unum,» made that observation when he visited the Swiss bishops gathered this week in ordinary assembly at the seminary of the Sion Diocese.

In a statement, the episcopal conference explained that the Vatican official addressed the challenges of humanitarian action today for the Catholic Church.

The text, issued today, explained that the discussion showed the importance of the testimony, and of the Christian and ecclesial foundation of Catholic charitable works such as Caritas, Action de Carême, and Aid to the Church in Need.

These institutions «carry out extraordinary work at the service of the poorest, both at the national and international level,» the statement said. «It is important that these works allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit, to awaken and foster a new imagination of charity, according to Pope John Paul II’s expression.»

Pope Paul VI instituted «Cor Unum» in 1971 to coordinate charitable works of the Church.

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