Milan Cardinal Wants a Parish-by-Parish Missionary Effort

MILAN, Italy, SEPT. 9, 2003 ( The archbishop of Milan is urging his flock to undertake a missionary «conversion,» parish by parish.

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The proposal is an essential part of the Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi’s pastoral letter «You Will Be My Witnesses,» which was presented on Monday. The letter outlines his three-year pastoral plan for Europe’s largest archdiocese.

Cardinal Tettamanzi said he believes that evangelization requires the Church to abandon a routine pastoral program and to undertake a missionary conversion. He envisions the parish community, including individual believers and ecclesial institutions, playing key roles in such an effort.

For this path of renewal, the cardinal makes three key suggestions: the careful celebration of the Eucharist; the administration of the sacraments in a context of a faith that is celebrated, professed, and lived; and the consistent presence of Christians, particularly the laity, in diverse areas of daily life.

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