Al-Jazeera to Broadcast War Shows Made by Capuchins

ROME, SEPT. 11, 2003 ( The Arab television network Al-Jazeera will broadcast a number of war documentaries produced by Nova-T, a firm founded by the Capuchin Province of Piedmont.

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The Vidimus Dominum religious information service reported that Al-Jazeera has signed an agreement through a production and distribution company to buy the series of home videos entitled «The Forgotten Wars» — African conflicts largely ignored by the world.

The series comprises six reports: «Somali Democracy»; «Sahara: A Wall in the Desert»; «Ethiopia and Eritrea: Lives on the Frontier»; «Hutu Tutsi: An Endless War»; «The Nuba of Sudan»; «Angola: The Invisible War.»

The reports will be transmitted via satellite from Qatar to the whole Arab world.

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