Homosexual Unions Will Never Be Marriages, Says Primate

Spanish Prelate Cautions Lawmakers

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TOLEDO, Spain, JULY 5, 2004 (Zenit.org).- The archbishop primate of Spain says that same-sex unions are in no way «comparable to marriage.»

In his Sunday homily in the cathedral here, Archbishop Antonio Cañizares Llovera of Toledo explained that «it is not even valid to call by the word ‘marriage’ — stable union of one man and one woman open to life — these homosexual unions, because they disfigure at its very core what this word expresses and has always expressed in all areas of the world and at all times.»

Spanish government officials recently confirmed their desire to legalize «homosexual marriages.»

Archbishop Cañizares said: «At a time when the protection of the family institution should have first place in the concern of governments of rich countries, caught in the whirlwind of a demographic winter and the growing criminality of young people born in destroyed and ‘dressed up’ families, the proposal of a homosexual marriage, and the fact that political leaders assume it, demonstrate a grave disorder in the mentality of the prevailing culture.»

The primate reminded parliamentarians of their responsibility to oppose this initiative.

«Lawmakers, and in particular those who are Catholics, will not be able to cooperate with their vote or support to this type of legislation which, by going against the common good and the truth of man, would be really iniquitous,» he said.

Aware that the worsening of Church-state relations might lead some to propose the end of public financing of the Church, the prelate advocated a Church «without provisions.»

«Don’t let them us with the threat of taking away our provisions,» the archbishop said. «The Church is able to live in poverty; as she doesn’t know, or must not be able to know, how to live without proclaiming Jesus Christ and the sole Lordship of God, or sell herself for riches.»

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