New Information Service on Judeo-Christian Dialogue Announced

Promoted by the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation

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ROME, NOV. 7, 2004 ( The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation announced the creation of a news service on Judeo-Christian dialogue.

The news bulletin will be produced in collaboration with ZENIT news agency and will be published initially in Spanish and English.

The foundation is an independent, educational NGO whose mission is to promote the values of solidarity and civic courage put into practice by tens of thousands of people who rescued Jews during the tragedy of the holocaust.

More than 60 heads of state and 50 Nobel Prize laureates make up the honorary commission of the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation.

«The foundation gives great importance to the inter-religious dialogue, decisive for building a sustainable and lasting peace,» affirmed Baruch Tenembaum, the foundation’s creator, in a press release.

«Consequently, it takes up the work carried out over the last 40 years by other institutions that preceded it, such as the Argentine House in Jerusalem and Inter-Faith International,» the founder added.

The foundation also gave life to the Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Committee in the year 2000. Its objective is to pay tribute to the actions undertaken by the Vatican apostolic delegate in Istanbul to save Jews from Nazi persecution. The Vatican representative was elected Pope in 1958 under the name John XXIII.

The Roncalli Committee was created in the Vatican’s Permanent Observation Mission in the United Nations in New York in the presence of Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state.

In regard to interreligious dialogue, one of the greatest achievements of the foundation was the installation of the Commemorative Mural for the Victims of Holocaust in the Vaterunser Church in Berlin

The ceremony took place in the German capital on Sept. 26. The original of this historic piece is in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires, commissioned in April 1997 by the former primate of Argentina, Cardinal Antonio Quarracino.

The foundation announced that a raffle will be held among all the e-mail subscribers with the prize of a trip to Jerusalem. All those interested in receiving this news bulletin and in participating in the raffle may send their e-mail address to:

For additional information on the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation visit

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