Cuban Catholics Reflect on Peace Inspired by John XXIII's "Pacem in Terris"

During 9th Catholic Social Week Organized by Bishops Conference

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CAMAGUEY, Cuba, NOV. 14, 2004 ( Cuba’s 9th Catholic Social Week will focus on peace and its foundations: truth, justice, love, and freedom, as inspired in Pope John XXIII’s Encyclical «Pacem in Terris.»

The Archdiocese of Camaguey will host the week, organized by the Episcopal Commission of Justice and Peace of the episcopal conference of Cuba from Nov. 17-21, to reflect on the four foundations of peace, as exercised by individuals and reflected in the consistency of their lives, and to promote the quest for, proclamation of, and social commitment to peace, the organizers explained to ZENIT.

The Vatican will send Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace as a representative to the meeting. He will open the working sessions with the keynote speech on the «Mission of the Church in the Peaceful Solution of Conflicts in the Light of the Encyclical ‘Pacem in Terris.'»

During the week speakers will deliver addresses on truth, justice, freedom, and love will be delivered, respectively, by Father Jesús Espeja; lay Peruvian Susana Villarán; María Caridad Campistrous of the diocese of Cuba ; and Father Arnaldo Aldama, of the diocese of Holguin, Cuba.

On the last day of the meeting, the program of the social doctrine of the Church for Cuba will be presented by Dagoberto Valdés, director of the Center of Civic-Religious Formation of the diocese of Pinar del Rio; Juan Carlos Urquijo, director of the Doctor Felicia Perez Formation Center of the same diocese; Luis Céspedes, of the Blessed Arnold Janssen Diocesan Formation Center; and María Caridad Campistrous.

The conclusions of the Catholic Social Week will then be made known as a «service to the Church and the Cuban people.»

The closing Mass will be held at the church of La Merced and will be presided over by Archbishop Juan García of Camaguey, president of the Commission of Justice and Peace of the Cuban episcopate.

For additional information, you may write to:, indicating the name Joaquin Estrada in the subject line of the message.

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