John Paul II Continues to Improve

Celebrates Mass Every Day from His Bed

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VATICAN CITY, FEB. 4, 2005 ( John Paul II’s health continues to improve, reported the Vatican press office.

Joaquín Navarro-Valls, director of the Vatican press office, published a statement today reporting that «John Paul II is eating regularly,» and the analyses «confirm that the clinical picture is stable.»

The Holy Father was hospitalized Tuesday night at the Gemelli Polyclinic in Rome because he was suffering from respiratory problems linked to the flu.

Navarro-Valls added that this Saturday «the Pope will follow on television from his hospital room the ceremony for the feast of Our Lady of Trust, patroness of the Roman Major Seminary, which will take place in Paul VI Hall.»

The Vatican spokesman disclosed that the address the Holy Father prepared for the occasion «will be read by the substitute of the secretary of state, Archbishop Leonardo Sandri.»

Regarding the Angelus on Sunday, Navarro-Valls said that «it is well known that this is an appointment that is very dear to the Holy Father and one that he does not want to miss. Tomorrow I will be able to be more precise regarding the manner in which the Marian prayer will be recited.»

On Vatican Radio, the spokesman invited pilgrims who wish to participate in the Angelus to «come directly to St. Peter’s Square.»

Navarro-Valls also said that from the first day of his hospitalization, the Pope has concelebrated Mass every day from his bed with his secretary, Archbishop Stanislaw Dziwisz.

The Vatican spokesman also expressed gratitude for the numerous messages and telephone calls from many and various individuals who are concerned about the Pope’s health.

«In light of the favorable evolution of the respiratory pathology, a new communiqué will be released on Monday,» said Navarro-Valls.

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