Benedict XVI Counting On Catholic Action

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 29, 2005 ( Benedict XVI assured Catholic Action of his support and encouragement, in a message to the group’s recent assembly.

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Sent by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary of state, the message was read to the 12th National Assembly of Catholic Action in Italy, held April 22-25 in Rome.

The message read: «His Holiness wishes to send you his energetic encouragement, in continuity with the paternal benevolence of his beloved and venerated predecessor.»

The papal message repeated Pope John Paul II’s words addressed to this ecclesial organization: «The Church needs Catholic Action.»

Benedict XVI’s message said: «The Pope is aware of your fidelity and knows that he can count on your total dedication to God’s Holy Church. At this time in history, we need in particular believers, men and women who through an enlightened and lived faith, give valid testimony of Christ, of his truth and of his love.»

In Italy, Catholic Action has a membership of 180,000 adults, 80,000 youths and 150,000 adolescents.

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