Videoconference to Touch on Liturgy

ROME, NOV. 28, 2005 ( A worldwide videoconference of theologians this Wednesday will focus on the theme «Architecture, Art and Music at the Service of the Liturgy.»

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The videoconference, a monthly event organized by the Vatican Congregation for Clergy, uses Internet to link top theologians from around the world.

The upcoming conference can be followed live beginning at noon, Rome time, at

The original texts of the addresses will be posted on the same page later.

To follow the event, Real Player must be installed in a computer. The Web page gives the link to download it.

Among the specialists who will participate in the conference are Cardinal Georges Cottier, theologian of the Pontifical Household, who will speak from Rome on «The Anointing of Bethany and the Theological Foundation in the Necessary Decorum of the Eucharistic Celebration.»

Other speakers and their topics will include:

— Father Michael Hull, New York, on «Buildings of Worship: Not Every Artistic Expression is in Keeping with the Truth of the Christian Faith and the Authentic Beauty of Sacred Art.»

— Father Gary Devery, Sydney, Australia, on «The Postconciliar Liturgical Reform and the Misunderstood Meaning of Creativity and Adaptation.»

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