Oratory of St. Philip Neri
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Brown's Unintended Effect
A response to: Dan Brown and the Catholic Church
My congratulations to Fr. Wauck for the adroit way in which he has handled the whole Dan Brown hyper-phenomenon. Far from attacking or merely dismissing, he has managed at the same time to trivialize Brown’s significance and at the same time to draw out of his writing, a positive image of the Church. Brown certainly has suffered the law of unintended effect in this interview!
And Fr. Wauck is right; the Catholic Church is a source of endless fascination, both for what it is as well as for what it is not. As a convert of some 32 years’ standing, and a member of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, I will vouch for that fact.
Many thanks,
Father Phillip Vietri C.O.