156 Cities to Launch 40 Days Pro-Life Campaign

Urge Public to Keep Abortion Out of Health Care

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WASHINGTON, D.C., JAN. 21, 2010 (Zenit.org).- As Friday marks 37 years since the U.S. court decision that legalized abortion, another 40 Days for Life campaign is being launched, this time in 156 cities and three countries.

David Bereit, national director of the organization, stated in a press release that «while many see a time of darkness this week» due to the Roe v. Wade anniversary, and as congress «deliberates legislation that could lead to dramatic increases in taxpayer funding for abortion, I see a time of great hope.»

He explained that he sees hope in the fact that pro-life supporters throughout the nation, and in Canada and Australia, «are willing to step out in faith and host 40 Days for Life campaigns.»

From Feb. 17 to March 28, people in 156 cities will organize prayer and fasting, round-the-clock peaceful vigils outside abortion clinics, and community outreach for the pro-life cause.

Bereit explained that this campaign, which begins Ash Wednesday and coincides with the Lenten season, underlines the «call to sacrifice» that is «central to 40 Days for Life.»

He continued: «Standing in prayer outside an abortion facility is indeed a sacrifice — particularly in northern locations where cold temperatures and snowy conditions are often part of the weather landscape in February.

«But people know their efforts have a profound impact, and so they overlook the inconvenience and their personal discomfort to stand in peaceful witness.»

Bereit affirmed that «even as proponents try to encourage more abortions — and as they try to encourage government funding of abortions — more women are realizing the truth about abortion.»

More women, he said, are «rejecting it as an option, and more people are simply saying ‘Enough!’ and taking a stand against these efforts to promote a culture of death.»

Saving lives

This campaign marks the sixth coordinated program since it began in 2007. Over 300,000 people in 280 cities have participated thus far.

As a result of the campaigns, 27 abortion industry employees have resigned, including Abby Johnson, former director of a Planned Parenthood clinic who quit after she was asked to assist in an abortion.

Bereit stated that the group is «aware of 2,168 children — and their mothers — who were spared from the tragedy of abortion.»

«And those are just the ones we know about,» he added.

On Saturday, Bereit will be receiving the St. Gianna Molla award at the Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco. Abby Johnson will be speaking at that same event about her experience with Planned Parenthood and how seeing an abortion brought about a change of heart.

The communiqué noted that the 40 Days organization is participating with other pro-life groups in the Stop the Abortion Mandate coalition.

Together they are «rallying support around the United States for keeping taxpayer-funded abortion out of any Congressional healthcare measures.»

Bereit said that 40 Days volunteers are working to «publicly reinforce the message» that «abortion is not health care.»

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On the Net:

40 Days for Life: http://www.40daysforlife.com

Stop the Abortion Mandate: http://stoptheabortionmandate.com/

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