Cause Promoted by Cardinal Wojtyla Reaches End

15th Century Polish Religious to Be Canonized in October

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ROME, FEB. 24, 2010 ( A 15th century member of the Lateran Canons Regular has been revered as a saint for hundreds of years, but it was the future Pope John Paul II who would encourage his canonization cause.

Stanislaw — called Casimiritano because he was born in Casimiria — will be canonized Oct. 17. Benedict XVI approved his canonization last Friday.

Born in 1433 to a devout family, Stanislaw would enter the Lateran Canons Regular of Corpus Christi at age 26.

He was marked by his devotion to the Passion, to Our Lady, and to his patron, St. Stanislaw. The Eucharist was the center point of his spirituality. People were drawn to his explanations of Scripture, and went to him for confession and spiritual direction.

Stanislaw served as novice master for his order, defending future priests from the heresies prominent at the time.

Though he left a number of spiritual writings, the last manuscript with his homilies was destroyed in World War II.

Stanislaw died in Casimiria in 1489, at the age of 56.

The fame of his sanctity grew after his death, particularly as reports spread of graces obtained at his tomb.

In the 18th century, the idea of approving devotion to Blessed Stanislaw gained ground, however the cause was only opened in 1971, under the urging of the then archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal Karol Wojtyla.

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