Pontiff Marks World Refugee Day

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VATICAN CITY, JUNE 20, 2010 (Zenit.org).- On today’s celebration of World Refugee Day, Benedict XVI is calling attention to the needs of those who have been forced to move away from their homeland.

The Pope stated this today after praying the midday Angelus with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

«Today the United Nations celebrates World Refugee Day,» he said, «to recall attention to the problems of those who have been forced out of their own land and familiar customs, traveling to environments that, often, are profoundly different.»

«Refugees desire to find welcome and to be recognized in their dignity and their fundamental rights,» the Holy Father affirmed.

«At the same time,» he continued, «they intend to offer their contribution to the society that welcomes them.»

Benedict XVI concluded: «Let us pray that, in a just reciprocity, there be a response adequate to such expectations and they show the respect that they have for the identity of the community that receives them.»

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