Catholic Women Commit to Peacemaking

Underline Mission of Evangelization

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JERUSALEM, OCT. 20, 2010 ( Members of a Catholic women’s organization are underlining their commitment to peacemaking, ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.

This affirmation was made in a centenary statement of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO) after the 2010 general assembly, which took place Oct. 5-11 in Jerusalem.

The statement quoted Benedict XVI’s words in his visit to the Holy Land last year, where he called Jerusalem «a microcosm of our globalized world […] a place that teaches the universality and respect for others, dialogue and mutual understanding; a place where prejudice, ignorance and fear that fuels them, are overcome by honesty, integrity and the pursuit of peace.»

In this perspective the women affirmed, «In solidarity we commit ourselves to the study of the Word of God and to the social teachings of the Church, to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue and to peacemaking.»

The union, which represents 60 countries worldwide, is celebrating its centenary this year. In the assembly it elected as its 14th president general Maria Giovanna Ruggieri.

The women reaffirmed the union’s objective, to «promote the presence, participation and co-responsibility of Catholic women in society and the Church, in order to enable them to fulfill their mission of evangelization and to work for human development.»

They mentioned in particular their dedication to «increasing educational opportunities, poverty reduction and the advancement of human rights beginning with the fundamental right to life.»

In the centenary statement the union members underlined the need for the universal recognition of the dignity, value and «genius» of women for the «attainment of a more humane, just and compatible society.»

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