Pontiff Will Consecrate Youth to Sacred Heart

MADRID, Spain, JULY 1, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict will consecrate youth to the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the prayer vigil at World Youth Day.

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WYD organizers announced the consecration, saying that «it is intended to accomplish the aim of every World Youth Day: that young people be brought closer to Christ.»

A catechesis to prepare youth for the consecration considers the papal message for World Youth Day in the light of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as well as presenting the history and meaning of this devotion.

The Church is marking the feast of the Sacred Heart today.

«The young are the hope for the future of the Church and of humanity,» the WYD organizers affirm. «By carrying out this consecration we are saying that ‘He alone can free the world from evil and bring about the growth of the Kingdom of justice, peace and love to which we all aspire.'»

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On the Net:

Catechesis to prepare consecration: www.madrid11.com/en/camino/46-catequesis-1-dios-nos-ha-hecho-capaces-de-vivir-con-el

Pope’s World Youth Day message: www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/messages/youth/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20100806_youth_en.html

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