Church's Doctrine Said to Confront Every Social Challenge

George Weigel Considers John Paul II’s Contribution to Global Relations

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By Ann Schneible

ROME, DEC. 6, 3011 ( The Church’s social doctrine proposes to all of society a deepening in its identity, George Weigel suggested today, speaking at a conference in Rome on Pope John Paul II and liberty.

The three-day conference, under way through Wednesday, is part of «The Wojtyła lectures” series. It was titled «Blessed John Paul II and the Crisis of Liberty.» 

Weigel, renowned biographer and friend of the late Pontiff, and member of the Ethics and Public Policy Center of Washington, D.C., is the primary speaker. 

During a public session today, Weigel gave a presentation on the “free and virtuous” society in the 21st century. Drawing from the contributions of John Paul II, he offered a panoramic view of the theory of international relations, interreligious dialogue and the question of global social ideologies, global economics, the vital importance of culture and the renewal of civil society. All of these were discussed within the context of the principle themes of Church social doctrine, enriched with Blessed John Paul II’s own contributions to the social teachings of the Church. 

At the conclusion of his talk, Weigel stated: «The Church recalls the importance of culture in the postmodern circumstance of the 21stcentury and proposes a social doctrine that directs all society towards a deepening of its own identity.  Continuing with the prophetic message of Blessed Pope Wojtyla, this desire confronts all social challenges, those of today as well as those of tomorrow.»

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