Same-Sex Marriage Push

Homosexual Rights Campaign Unmasked

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By Father John Flynn, LC

ROME, DEC. 9, 2011 ( Activists pushing for the legalization of same-sex marriage scored a victory in Australia when last weekend the Labor Party’s national conference voted in favor of a change to the party’s policy, which means that it now supports a change to marriage laws.

Already a federal member of parliament, Stephen Jones, has said he will introduce a private member’s bill to allow same-sex marriage when the legislature next meets in February after its summer break.

The turnabout in the Labor Party policy came shortly after the publication in Australia of a book on the subject of homosexuality by a long-standing pro-family activist and writer Bill Muehlenberg.

In «Strained Relations: The Challenge of Homosexuality,» (Freedom Publishing Company) he examined a number of issues, including the matter of same-sex marriage. The largest part of the book dealt with the topic from the perspective of social science because, as he explained, Christians need to be able to make their case from a secular point of view. In another part he dealt with the biblical and theological position on homosexuality.

The topic of homosexuality, Muehlenberg acknowledged, is indeed very contentious and has created deep divisions and strong emotions. It is also the case that in a relatively short period of time homosexual activists have managed to radically change a large sector of public opinion to one of support for their cause.

On the issue of same-sex marriage he observed that it is simply wrong to imagine that all homosexuals are in favor. In fact, there has been a big debate among them on this topic with some in favor, some against and many in between.


Division over same-sex marriage led to a split in one Australian homosexual lobby group and in his book, Muehlenberg quoted a number of declared homosexuals who are opposed to adopting the «straitjacket of heterosexual marriage.»

This lack of enthusiasm is confirmed by the experience of low numbers of same-sex marriages in Canada. The same happened in the Netherlands. The book cited one study showing that in the first five years after its legalization in 2001 only about 4% of Dutch homosexuals got married.

Subsequently, another study published on the 10th anniversary of the law, revealed that nine out of 10 homosexuals in the Netherlands have chosen not to marry.

Part of the reason for this low level of marriage lies in the very nature of homosexual relationships, Muehlenberg commented. The much higher levels of promiscuity, especially among men, but also to a lesser degree among women, mean that monogamous relationships are not what many are looking for. According to Muehlenberg many homosexual commentators have been very clear that if they achieve the right to marry it will not mean that it is an exclusive partnership.

Sexual fidelity is «crap» said prominent homosexual activist Dennis Altman during a debate in July this year on Australian television.

Even though few homosexuals will opt for marriage, legalizing such unions is a dangerous step. Muehlenberg pointed out that many of the arguments used in favor of changing the law could be used to justify incest, polygamy and other sexual combinations.

«If homosexuals can argue that a loving committed relationship should qualify anyone for the institution of marriage, then other equally binding and loving unions should be recognized,» he observed.

Already, he continued, polyamory (group marriage) and polygamy groups are using many of the arguments from the same-sex marriage advocates.


Muehlenberg looked at the demand by homosexual couples for the right to adopt children and he examined what happens to children in families headed by a same-sex couple. Although the research is in its early stages, he argued that there are results demonstrating that children do suffer from being raised by same-sex parents.

It is clear, he admitted, there are plenty of heterosexual families where the parents do not do an ideal job, but in the majority of cases a child will do better with both a mother and a father.

One American study Muehlenberg cited found that children of homosexual couples are more frequently the victims of parental instability and have poorer peer and adult relationships. In addition, they have more emotional problems, are more likely to become homosexual and to be sexually precocious and promiscuous.

The first books on what it is like to be raised by homosexuals are starting to come out. Muehlenberg referred to one by Dawn Stefanowicz, «Out From Under,» which he described as «a story of abuse, betrayal, loneliness and suffering.»

Children need role models as they mature, from both the sexes, and they need to see how men and women interact, Muehlengerg stated. Along with the right to marry and to have children there exists a responsibility toward children that is an essential part of marriage.

Muehlenberg’s book deals with many other issues related to homosexuality and is well-worth reading, especially as the push for same-sex marriage continues in many countries.

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