Europe's March for Life

Organizer Tells How Young People Find International Support in Defending the Unborn

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By Ann Schneible

ROME, DEC. 22, 2011( In a world where there is a «fundamental right» to take the lives of the helpless, the unwanted, and the innocent, those who are committed to fighting for the rights of the unborn need to know that they are not alone.

That’s one of the reasons for the annual March for Life in Brussels.

Liesbeth Ronsmans, one of the leaders of the march, spoke with ZENIT during an international gathering of pro-life leaders from around Europe, which took place Dec. 10-11 in Rome.

ZENIT: Why is it important for young people to fight for life?

Ronsmans: For me, it is important because we know when we see the pictures of abortion, and we see the women who suffer from abortion, that it is an injustice. And I think it is the biggest discrimination of human rights for our time and society’s.

For me personally, it’s also important that God wants every single child, and that we shouldn’t decide for ourselves to kill those children, because they are so precious, and we need them. And so that’s why I fight for life.

ZENIT: You had spoken about the possibility of making the March for Life in Brussels one of the central pro-life events in all of Europe. Why is Brussels an important international point for this movement?

Ronsmans: I think that making the pro-life movement international is so important. I felt, the first year I did pro-life work, that I wasn’t very connected with the rest of Europe and the other movements. In the end you start feeling really alone, and you want to keep going, and you know that you’re right, but it’s really difficult when you don’t have the support of people within your own country. 

But also, [it’s important to have support] from other countries, because you can learn so much from each other, and it really [helps] to keep motivated [when] the countries are working really hard. … For example, I met one girl from Germany, and she had exactly the same opinion as me, and we could talk so well about problems, and how to react, and how to organize. That is why it’s so crucial to make these international networks.

ZENIT: And why Brussels?

Ronsmans: The European Parliament is there, and we can give such a strong signal, not only for the Belgian government, but also for the MEP’s, and everybody who works in Brussels, well, they decide about our society. That’s the most important reason to do it in Brussels. 

The annual March for Life in Brussels, which will take place on March 25, 2012, is a peaceful protest in which people young and old from around Europe to stand up for the right to life of all unborn children. 

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