The 'Mothers Prayers' All Over the World

Author and Founder Tells of Ministry to Give Moms Peace About Kids’ Futures

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By Anita Bourdin

ROME, MARCH 8, 2012 ( We know that God loves our children. So we should not be afraid, or worry about them but trust in Him,» says Veronica Williams, the founder of a worldwide ministry called Mothers Prayers.

On this International Day of the Woman, ZENIT reports how “Mothers Prayers” started and developed all over the world.

ZENIT: Veronica, you are mother and grandmother, and great-grandmother. How did you start to pray for your children?

Williams: I was with a group of Christians who had prepared a document called «What on earth are we doing to our children?» It was full of statistics of all the things that were affecting our children in a negative way. For example drugs, pornography, violence, child abuse and bad literature. We aimed to bring it to the Parliament in London and we thought we would shock the politicians with the description of our world: Unfortunately there was no positive result.

This was in 1995.

At the time I had nine grandchildren. I was so shocked when I read the report and I thought, what kind of society are my grandchildren growing up in? I wanted to do something but felt very small against such big problems. But I had just had a wonderful experience which made me understand the power of prayer, and the power of “surrendering everything to the Lord.»

ZENIT: This is the title of your book “The joy of surrender unto Him”

Williams: Yes, and I am surprised as it is now translated into quite a few languages and people tell me they are blessed by it!

ZENIT: So after, your disappointing experience at the Parliament, what happened?

Williams: I decided that I would pray for children and my sister-in-law who knew nothing about my decision to pray, told me that she was woken up during the night and felt a call to pray for her children. 

Well, I knew the power of asking the Lord to be in charge so we decided to trust the Lord 100%. And during one month we prayed and meditated on the third joyful mystery of the Rosary (Nativity of Child Jesus) to ask Him what He wanted us to do.

We said, «Lord you are the Boss, we are your secretaries”.

And in November 1995 we started with three other mothers praying for our children. 

We now have groups all over the world, probably 85 % are Catholic, but there are mothers from different denominations: Pentecostals, Baptists, Anglicans, and Orthodox… And also some mothers from other religions — Muslims and Hindus, and even atheists who come and find God. God is breaking down barriers.

ZENIT: Why do so many mothers come together from so many different religions and cultures to pray for their children?

Williams: Mothers have mothers’ hearts and when they have problems with their children and hear of something that is helping, they come to join us. Some mothers don’t understand Catholics. But they come and overcome any misunderstanding they may have had. Barriers are broken down, and a deeper understanding of our faith often comes through Mothers’ Prayers.

ZENIT: You pray for your children, but what are you asking for them to the Lord?

Williams: We may pray for any problem that we have at the time but the best prayer is that the Lord’s Holy Will be done in their lives.

We know that God loves our children. So we should not be afraid, neither worry about them but trust in Him.

ZENIT: Do you use a special program for the weekly meeting? 

Williams: We have a special Prayer book with simple prayers — just a mother’s heart talking to Jesus.

We start by asking the Holy Spirit to be with us and then say prayers of protection for our families. We continue with other prayers but one that is especially loved is when we unite our prayers with all Mothers Prayers members around the world. It brings such a comfort!

The preparation is important: each mother has prepared the name of each child on little paper discs and at the end of the meeting she will place these discs at the foot of the Cross in a little basket as an act of trust and surrender to Jesus.

ZENIT: Do you have special “rules”?

Williams: We do have two strict rules! No advice, and confidentiality. We give no advice, because we are not qualified, and because it is in the Lord that we trust 100%. 

Confidentiality because someone can speak about a personal problem and know that it will not be spoken about outside the group.

ZENIT: As the movement developed, you started travelling around and decided to have a “Mother House” in Kent…

Williams: We now have a community house, “Solace community”, were we have a Chapel with the Blessed Sacrament. People come from all around the world, especially the coordinators. I have also traveled to many countries including Russia, Siberia, and at the end of June I will be in Slovakia, and in Ireland, and then in Germany, in France, in the United States, Norway, Sweden and Czech Republic.

ZENIT: So you should have a strong spiritual unity… What is specific of your spirituality?

Williams: Our particular spirituality is based on giving everything to Jesus: we don’t give advice to solve problems. We say : “I can’t do it Lord but You can”. This is the way we surrender totally to the Lord. I know He opens the doors. Miracles do happen. Children are coming back to faith in God, getting married, coming off drugs, children that have been missing are coming back home. Mothers experience a deeper personal relationship with Christ, and come deeper into their traditional faith. Some that have even left the Church have come back again. 

ZENIT: How do the husbands react to the changes in their wive’s lives?

Williams: Husbands are usually very supportive and some actually encourage their wives to come especially when they see a change in them.

ZENIT: Is their something you would like to say to women in the world in the occasion of the 8th of March, the International Day of the Woman?

Williams: Yes, Trust completely in the Lord.  He loves you He loves your children and He can change things you cannot change.

I am sure He wishes us all to be people of Faith and to bring Hope to a hurting world.

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