Holy Father Sends Message to President Obama

Assures Reelected Leader of His Prayers to Carry Out Duties to the Nation

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By Junno Arocho

VATICAN CITY, Nov. 7, 2012 (Zenit.org).- Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of the Holy See Press Office, told journalists today that Pope Benedict XVI has sent a message to US President Barack Obama, congratulating him on his reelection. The telegram was sent through the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, DC.

The Holy Father expressed his best wishes to President Obama and assured him of his prayers to carry out his duties to the country and the international community.

The Pope also conveyed his hope that «the ideals of freedom and justice that has guided the founding fathers of the United States of America continue to shine forth as the nation progresses.»

Commenting on President Obama’s reelection, Fr. Lombardi stressed the immense responsibility that the US President has not only for his country, but as well to the rest of the world, «given the role of the United States in the international [community].»

Fr. Lombardi concluded his statement expressing his hope that President Obama will respond to the expectations of his fellow citizens «for the good and development» while promoting a culture of life and religious freedom.

The director of the Holy See Press Office also stated his desire that the reelected President «may find the best ways to promote the material and spiritual welfare of all, as well as effectively promote the integral human development, justice and peace effectively in the world.»

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