Pope Francis: 'Go Against the Current of this Civilization'

Pontiff Meets with 500 Youth from the Diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio

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Yesterday afternoon, Pope Francis met with over 500 youth from the Italian diocese of Piacenza-Bobbio who were on a Year of Faith pilgrimage in Rome reflecting on the theme of «Upon this Rock.»

Delivering an unprepared address, the Holy Father admitted to the youth that he met with them out of «selfishness». «Do you know why? Because I like being with you!» the Pope exclaimed.

The Holy Father said that he liked being with the because of the promise of hope that they bear in their hearts, calling them the «craftsmen of the future. «It is a beautiful thing to go towards the future, with illusions, with so many beautiful things,» he said.  «It is also your responsibility to become craftsmen of the future.»

Each young person, he continued, carries within themselves to do great things, despite the difficulties and challenges facing the world in today’s day and age. «When a young person tells me: ‘What horrible times these are, Father, we can do nothing!’ Please! I’ll send him to a psychiatrist!» the Holy Father exclaimed.

«Because, it’s true, it can’t be understood! It can’t be understood that a young person, a young man, a young woman, who does not to do a great thing, to bet on great ideals, great for the future. Then they will do what they can, but, the bet is for great and beautiful things. And you all are craftsmen of the future. «

Beauty, Goodness & Truth

Young men and women carry within themselves three desires, the Holy Father explained to the Italian youth: beauty, goodness and truth. Beauty reflected in music, theatre, or art is a manifestation of their search for beauty.

Youth, he said, «are the prophets of goodness.» «You all like goodness, to be good. And this goodness is contagious, it helps others,» the Pope said.

The third desire, the Pope continued, is the search for the truth. Pope Francis said that while many may think they have it, truth is not something that can be possessed or owned, but rather, experienced.

«These three desires that you have in your heart, you should bring them forward, to the future, and make a future with beauty, with goodness and with truth,» the Pope said.

Going Against the Current

Closing his remarks, Pope Francis called on the young men and women of Piacenza to accept the challenge of manifesting these three desires while encouraging them go out and «make noise.»

Encouraging them to go against the current of today’s civilization, the Pope warned the youth present that they will face temptations, such as drugs and alcohol, to impede them from going forward in life.

«No! Go against the current of this civilization that is doing so much harm. Do you understand this? To go against the current; and this means to make noise, to go forward, but with the values of beauty, of goodness and of truth,» the Pope urged.

Pope Francis concluded his address, inviting the youth to seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the Mother of beauty, goodness, and truth.»

«Let us ask her, who is in Heaven, who is our Mother, that she give us the grace of courage to go forward and against the current,» the Holy Father said.

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Junno Arocho Esteves

Newark, New Jersey, USA Bachelor of Science degree in Diplomacy and International Relations.

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