Pope Expresses Sadness for Natural Disaster Victims in Mexico

Thousands Left Homeless After Twin Storms Strike

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In a telegram sent by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Pope Francis expressed his condolences to the victims of Hurricane Ingrid and tropical storm Manuel in Mexico. The twin storms caused massive damage and mudslides that have claimed the lives of over 80 people and left thousands homeless.

A massive landslide that occurred north of Acapulco has left an estimated 58 people missing.

The telegram, which was sent to Archbishop Francisco Jose Robles Ortega of Guadalajara, assured the victims and their families of the Holy Father’s prayers. “[Pope Francis] asks God to grant consolation to the suffering and to encourage persons of good will to show fraternal solidarity in helping to rebuild the worst-affected areas and offering assistance to victims in their pain and despair,” the telegram stated.

“The Holy Father also wishes to convey his most heartfelt condolences to the families of the departed and expresses his paternal care and spiritual closeness to the injured and homeless.”

Concluding his message, Cardinal Bertone stated that the Holy Father has entrusted all those who suffered from the natural disaster to the Virgin of Guadalupe as well as imparting his apostolic blessing “as a sign of affection to the beloved Mexican people.”

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Junno Arocho Esteves

Newark, New Jersey, USA Bachelor of Science degree in Diplomacy and International Relations.

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