Pope Francis: Time Belongs to God

Calls on Faithful To Ask For Virtues of Prayer and Discernment

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Despite that many times we feel we our masters of time, only Jesus Christ is the master of time. Pope Francis stressed this point during his homily at Casa Santa Marta this morning.

Referring to today’s Gospel, which recalls Christ’s words on the end of time, the Holy Father called on the faithful to ask for the grace of discernment and prayer to live this moment: and for hope in this time.

“In this road towards the end of our path, of each one of us and also of all humanity, the Lord advises us two things, two things that are different, they are different according to how we live, because it is different to live in the moment and different to live in time,” the Pope said.

The Holy Father stated that those who feel that are masters of time are deceived. “Time,” he exclaimed, “belongs to God!”

Christ’s warning that many will come in his name saying “The time has come”, requires Christians to have two virtues in order to live this moment: prayer and discernment.

“To know the true signs, to know the path that I should take in this moment, the gift of discernment and prayer is necessary to do it well,” he said. “Prayer and discernment for the moment; hope for time.”

Concluding his homily, the Holy Father affirmed that a true Christian lives moment after moment with prayer and discernment, but also lives with hope.

“The Lord give us the grace to walk with wisdom, this is something we must do with prayer and discernment, and he gives us hope with which to live our lives within his greater design,” he said. (J.A.E.)

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