US Bishops Release Spanish-Language Film Promoting Marriage

A Tool to «Advance the Conversation» on True Meaning of Marriage

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The US bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage has released the third video in its catechetical series for the promotion and protection of marriage. El Matrimonio: Hecho para el amor y la vida (Marriage: Made for Love and Life) is a 30-minute film in Spanish with English subtitles, accompanied by a bilingual study guide.

El Matrimonio invites viewers into a story about a faithful marriage of 50 years and a young man and woman skeptical of marriage. The film and study guide address all four catechetical themes of the Marriage Unique for a Reason initiative: sexual difference and complementarity, the good of children, the common good, and religious freedom.

“This is a one-of-a kind resource, and it is my hope that El Matrimonio will be a fruitful tool for advancing the conversation in both Spanish- and English-speaking communities on the true meaning of marriage,” said Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman of the Subcommittee. “The film’s story conveys real difficulties that numerous families encounter, but with compassion and without compromising the truth about God’s loving plan for marriage and family. In this way, the film portrays what we are all called to do: to love without compromising the truth, and to be witnesses to God’s plan with love and mercy. Love and truth go together. I pray that this film will provide opportunities for a deeper and more thoughtful study of, and increased reflection on the gift of marriage.” 

El Matrimonio: Hecho para el amor y la vida and other educational materials from the Marriage: Unique for a Reason initiative are available online and in Spanish, and are available for purchase

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