Pregnancy Resource Center Reaches Mark of 2M People Helped

Heartbeat International Provides 24-Hour ‘Option Line’

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Heartbeat International, a pregnancy resource center, announced that two million people have now reached out to its 24-hour hotline Option Line®, designed for those seeking abortion alternatives and pregnancy resources, since its inception in 2003.
With more than 100,000 hours of non-stop operation, Option Line utilizes phone, email, text messaging and live chat to help women facing unexpected pregnancies to connect with local, community-based assistance 24 hours a day. Heartbeat has accomplished this goal through more than 2,000 pregnancy help networks connected to Option Line.

In a recent post, Board Member Pia de Solenni noted that while some abortion supporters are targeting pro-life activities by claiming that abortion opponents are waging a “war on women”, pro-life initiatives like Option Line are there to meet the needs of women any time of day or night, helping them to connect with local resources so that they are empowered to make their own choices.

Meanwhile, de Solenni notes, the real war on women is evidenced in legislation like Senate Bill (S1696) which, among other things, could affect ultrasound regulations, meaning that a woman could be denied or not offered the opportunity to see her ultrasound so that she can make an informed decision. As de Solenni noted, “When women have full information, many of them choose not to have abortions.”

“A woman who is considering abortion is most often crying out in desperation and loneliness. That is why Heartbeat’s Option Line was founded, so that every woman could be immediately connected to the life-giving resources in her own community and choose life, not death,” said Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn.

“Every person who contacts Option Line is treated with respect and love. That we have reached the two million mark, one precious life at a time, is astounding. The Option Line safety net grows even wider and stronger every day, hearing from an average of 15,000 people every month, to save and change even more lives.” 

About Heartbeat International
Heartbeat International is the first network of pro-life pregnancy help organizations founded in the U.S. (1971), and now the largest and most expansive network in the world. With 1,800 affiliated pregnancy help locations—including pregnancy help medical clinics (with ultrasound), resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies—Heartbeat serves in 50 countries, on all six inhabited continents, to provide alternatives to abortion. For more information,

About Option Line
Heartbeat also operates Option Line®, a 24-7 pregnancy helpline offering real-time informational services, lay counseling, and connection to area pregnancy help centers for women and men facing unexpected pregnancies. For more information, see

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