Online Course on Evangelii Gaudium Directed at Hispanic Catholics in US

5 Saturday Sessions Will Consider Pope’s Message, Committing Oneself to Evangelization

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The first course about Evangelii Gaudium for the Americas will begin in November.  The online course is directed to social, political, pastoral representatives and the public in general, who are interested in discovering the new keys of social transformation to which Pope Francis’ document contributes.

The course is a joint initiative of the Latin American Bishops Council (CELAM) and the Latin American Center of Social Evangelization (CLAdeES) for the Americas.

A video presentation in Spanish can be accessed at the following link:

While the course is directed to the Hispanic community of the Americas, special importance is given to  the Latin community of the parishes of the United States. For this reason the organizers are encouraging American pastors and pastoral agents to invite leaders and members of their parishes to participate in the course.

Some questions considered in the course are:  How to reach everyone, without exception or exclusions.  Is this possible? What does it mean to concentrate on the essentials, on what is most beautiful, most grand, most appealing and at the same time most necessary? -Ev. G. #35-

“The Pope invites us to go out of our self-absorption,» said Pablo Blanco Gonzalez, who is in charge of leading the course, «to take the initiative, to commit oneself, this is the challenge that Francis poses to us, to change our attitude in light of the whole reality”

It is about “an essential, vital and transforming document”, according to Dr. Susana Nuin Nuñez, the Executive Secretary of the Department of Communication of CELAM, “it is essential because it invites us to follow the Gospel with the importance that it has for everyone’s life and of the whole Church; it is vital because it encourages and revitalizes our life, and that of the whole Church and of society; and it is transforming because it is a sweeping force, capable of changing reality from the most profound, and offering new perspectives and new light about reality.»

Information about the course

The course will be held on the Saturdays of the 8th, 15th, and 22nd of November, and the 6th and 13th of December. The five sessions will begin at 10:00 a.m., Bogotá time, which is the same as Eastern Time in the United State, and it will conclude at 12:00 noon.

The cost of the course is only $40. (USD) and there is a 50% discount for groups of 10. The idea is to be accessible to everyone.

About CLAdeES

CLAdeES, Latin American Center of Social Evangelization “is an experience of communion among members from different movements and institutions of the Catholic Church, whose task today is a reference for the entire Ibero-American community,» its director, Gustavo Vivona pointed out. 

CLAdeES seeks “to be an open space for all the ecclesial movements and institutions and to all men/women of good will who are concerned about building a more just world.»

The reason of its existence can be summarized in the desire to effectively contribute to the process of evangelization and transformation of the different social realities of Latin America, “promoting areas of all around training of people and their communities, through participation, study, investigation, application and dessemination of values and principles of the Social Teaching of the Church (ENSI),» Marta Salto, leader of the headquarters of the city of Córdoba, pointed out.

Its Board of Directors is comprised of members of the Movement of the Word of God, the Focolare Movement and the Schoenstatt Movement, among others.

To obtain information about the course and to register, send an email to:

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