Young People Consecrated to God to Meet in Rome

«Wake Up the World – Gospel, Prophecy, Hope» Scheduled for Later This Month

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About 4.000 young consecrated men and women from all parts of the world (including Iran, the Philippines, Ivory Coast and Zimbabwe) are expected to converge in Rome from the 15th till the 19th of September to take part in the World Meeting for Young Consecrated Men and Women. The meeting is entitled ‘Wake up the World – Gospel, Prophecy, Hope’ and is being organized by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life as part of the Year of Consecrated Life. 

The aims of the meeting are the following: a formative experience through Biblical, Theological-Charismatic and Ecclesiological reflections upon the fundamental elements of Consecrated Life; to offer the possibility of sharing one’s reality, desires and formation expectations; to celebrate and witness the beauty of one’s vocation.  

Each morning the participants will gather in the Paul VI Hall in Vatican City to listen to the keynote speeches on vocation, fraternal life and mission. In the afternoon, the participants divided into language groups in various locations in Rome will have the opportunity to express and share their feedback. In the evenings, they may choose from various itineraries on offer: the Pathway of Announcement: (missionary night in central Rome); the Pathway of Encounter (helping socio-ecclesial organizations, like Caritas, St Egidio Community, Talitha Kum), and the Pathway of Beauty (guided visits to the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel).  

The program includes three events that are open to all: a Prayer Vigil in St Peter’s Square presided by the Secretary Archbishop of CIVCSVA, Mgr José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM (September 15, at 8.30 p.m.); A Eucharistic Celebration in St Peter’s Papal Basilica presided by the Prefect of the Congregation, H. Em. Cardinal João Braz de Aviz (September 19, at 11.30 a.m.); and an evening of music and witnessing in St Peter’s Square (September 18, at 8.30 p.m.). On Saturday September 19 there will be a great Memorial Celebration of the Saints and Martyrs of Consecrated Life: a prayerful procession will leave Sta Maria in Aracoeli, crosses the Mamertino Prison and the Fori Imperiali to reach the Coliseum.

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