Pope Benedict XVI has been a special guest at a Christmas-inspired concert in the Vatican.
According to Vatican Radio, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI attended a concert of German choir “Jugendkantorei of Eichstatt Dom”, directed by Master Christian Heiss, in the Vatican Radio studios located in the Vatican Gardens last Wednesday.
The German choir is made up of 36 young people between the ages of 12 and 18 years, who were in Rome to attend the 40th International Congress of Young Singers.The young people had learned only the night before of the privilege of performing for Pope Benedict and had faces of joy during the concert, sources report.
Inspired by Christmas themes, the concert’s program included pieces by Brahms, Mendelssohn, and Benjamin Britten.
The carol «O du fröhliche” was arranged by brother of the Pope Emeritus, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, who was also present at the concert, along with prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, and former nuncio in Germany and former president of the Governatorate of the Vatican City State, Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo.
At the end of the performance, Pope Benedict XVI thanked them, wished them a Happy New Year and a good stay in Rome.

Pope Benedict Attends Concert of Young Germans in Vatican
36 Young Singers Learned They Would Perform for Pope Emeritus Just Night Before