During the general audience this morning, in greetings to Arabic-speaking pilgrims, Pope Francis made a special appeal for suffering Christians in the Middle East, praying for their protection from the devil.
“God does not remain silent before the suffering and cries of His children,” the Holy Father said, “nor does He remain silent before injustice and persecution: He rather intervenes and gives, by His mercy, rescue and salvation.”
“God uses patience with the sinner,” the Pope continued, “to induce him to conversion, and he searches for the lost sheep, for, ‘[God] will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:4).’”
Pope Francis concluded his remarks to Arabic-speaking pilgrims with a blessing and an invocation of Divine protection. “God bless you all,” he said, “and protect you from the Evil One.”

Screenshot CTV - General audience
Pope Tells Suffering Christians: God Is Not Silent Before Injustice
Prays for protection from evil in greetings to Arabic-speaking pilgrims at general audience