A program for those who cannot attend World Youth Day next week invites young people to join the Pope virtually.
Francis’ avatar is at the Virtual Campus Misericordiae at https://we4charity.com/en/vcm
«It is a wonderful feeling to see the Pope in the Virtual Fields of Mercy shortly before the moment when we will have him stay in Brzegi near Wieliczka. I believe Pope Francis wants to be also among those who cannot come to Cracow and decided to join ‘Misericordes’ project. Among pilgrims from all continents,» said Father Bogdan Kordula, the director of Cracow Caritas, responsible for the preparation of the place for the World Youth Day central liturgy.
To appear at the Virtual Campus Misericordiae you only need to join the ‘Misericordes’ campaign on We4Charity.com platform – you can choose then one of the 32 avatars representing pilgrims. The campaign is organized by Caritas of Cracow Archdiocese.
The ‘Misericordes’ project will last until 15 August and its effects are to be the equipment of the ‘Campus Misericordiae’ house in Brzegi and the Caritas Centre ‘Bread of Mercy’ being built there and also the purchase of so called mobile clinics which will serve people in difficult places of the world. They will appear, among others, in camps for refugees and places of natural disasters. It has been already known today that mobile clinics, being the sign of mercy of participants in the We4Charity.com campaign, will land in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.

Pope Also Accompanying Those Going to WYD 'Virtually'
Mercy initiative to bring mobile clinics to refugee camps, regions affected by natural disaster