The Way of the Cross the Pope will pray with young people this afternoon in Krakow links the stations of Christ’s Passion to the corporal and spiritual works of mercy.
Read the text here:
The text was written by Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow Grzegorz Ryś, who is a Church historian and responsible for the New Evangelisation in the Polish Episcopal Conference.
Every station is to include new artistic forms that demonstrate the name and content of each station. The forms include: modern dance, murals, acrobatics, computer animation, street art, etc.
Musical direction is under Prof. Wiesław Delimat. The musical setting of worship will be a string orchestra, choir and three soloists: Soprano – Anna Pehlken, Piano – Paweł Tomaszewski, Violin – Adam Bałdych (pronounced as ‘bawdich’). The Director is Mateusz Polit.
An additional feature of the Stations of the Cross will be living trees several meters tall on stage in movable pots. Next to them will be permanent signs with the name of the station and the corresponding act of mercy. These 14 trees will then be planted in the Sanctuary of John Paul II «Do not be Afraid» in Lagiewniki. They will become a living memorial to WYD 2016.
Groups and organizations such as the Missionaries of Charity, the Community of Sant’Egidio, Aid to the Church in Need, will present each station/work of mercy.

Way of Cross for Pope, Youth to Link Stations to Works of Mercy
Krakow’s Auxiliary Bishop Rys prepared the text