Pope Francis has written a message for the first edition of the weekly Osservatore Romano newspaper for his native Argentina, recognized the newspaper as a “project at the service of the Kingdom of God.”
According to Vatican Radio, with the headline: “The Service of the Pope,” the first issue of the new Spanish edition was published on Dec. 30, 2016. On the front page, Francis’ handwritten message was printed.
The first issue of L’Osservatore Romano newspaper for Argentina went on sale Friday in the kiosks of Pope Francis’ native land.The Pontiff has reportedly yet to receive a copy of the first issue, which will arrive shortly by post, but he did see the drafts of this first issue.
This new edition will come out in January and February and, beginning in March, will be published weekly. It has the contents of the weekly Spanish edition that is already published, with the idiomatic uses characteristic of the South American country and five of the 16 pages dedicated to local articles.
This issue has been printed in Buenos Aires with 40,000 copies and is being distributed with the Perfil newspaper. It will serve for the Pope’s complete voice to reach the country, without the need of spokespersons, real or self-proclaimed.
In his note, the Pontiff expressed that he greets the new presence of the Osservatore Romano in the South American nation with joy. «Through the Holy See’s newspaper, readers will be able to become directly acquainted with the service of the Pope,» he noted.
Pope Francis concluded, praying that the Lord «bless all who labor in this project at the service of the Kingdom of God, and that the Virgin Mary watch over them,» and asking all readers to not to forget to pray for him.

Pope writing a letter
For L'Osservatore Romano's New Argentine Edition, Pope Sends Message
In Handwritten Note, Francis Calls Newspaper ‘a Project at Service of Kingdom of God’