Pope writing a letter

Pope writing a letter

Pope Sends Condolences for Those Suffering From Central Chile's Wildfires

Prays All «Collaborate Effectively, Generously, and With Charity, to Alleviate Suffering and Overcome Adversity,” Offers Prayers for Eternal Repose of Killed, Spiritual Closeness

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According to Vatican Radio, the Latin American Pontiff’s condolences were conveyed in a telegram sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State Wednesday.
At least six people have reportedly been killed and thousands have been evacuated as wildfires rage in central Chile. According to Reuters, as of Wednesday, 85 separate fires had been recorded, covering some 190,000 hectares. The nation has declared a state of emergency.
The Pope, in his telegram, expressed his “spiritual closeness to those hurt and otherwise suffering the consequences of this catastrophe, ” and has offered his prayers for the eternal repose of those who died.
In his condolences to the victims’ families, the Pontiff also expressed his wish that people “collaborate effectively, generously, and with charity, to alleviate the suffering and overcome adversity,” and his hope that the tragedy “inspire a sense of solidarity.”
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