With words of “solidarity with the Muslim community, U.S. Bishops have expressed deep concern over religious freedom issues raised by President Trump’s Executive Order on refugees”, said Vatican Radio on February 1, 2017.
The Bishops’ statement was published on their Website on Tuesday, January 31; it was signed by Bishops Mitchell Rozanski (Springfield), William Lori (Baltimore) and Oscar Cantu (Las Cruces).
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) “joins other faith leaders to stand in solidarity with those affected” by the Order, underlined Vatican Radio.
Here is the press release of the Catholic Bishops of the United States.
Full USCCB statement:
WASHINGTON— On January 27, 2017, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order that, among other things: suspends issuance of visas and other immigration benefits to nationals of seven predominantly Muslim countries for 90 days; indefinitely suspends resettlement of refugees from Syria, which is also predominantly Muslim, subject to a possible exception for those who are «religious minorities» in their home countries and facing religious persecution; and suspends virtually the entire U.S. refugee resettlement program for 120 days, also subject to a possible exception for such «religious minorities.»
Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski, Bishop of Springfield and Chairman of the USCCB Committee onEcumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Most Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore and Chairman of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, and Most Reverend Oscar Cantú, Bishop of Las Cruces and Chairman of the USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace, jointly issued the following statement in response to this action:
We recognize that Friday evening’s Executive Order has generated fear and untold anxiety among refugees, immigrants, and others throughout the faith community in the United States. In response to the Order, we join with other faith leaders to stand in solidarity again with those affected by this order, especially our Muslim sisters and brothers. We also express our firm resolution that the Order’s stated preference for «religious minorities» should be applied to protect not only Christians where they are a minority, but all religious minorities who suffer persecution, which includes Yazidis, Shia Muslims in majority Sunni areas, and vice versa.
While we also recognize that the United States government has a duty to protect the security of its people, we must nevertheless employ means that respect both religious liberty for all, and the urgency of protecting the lives of those who desperately flee violence and persecution. It is our conviction as followers of the Lord Jesus that welcoming the stranger and protecting the vulnerable lie at the core of the Christian life. And so, to our Muslim brothers and sisters and all people of faith, we stand with you and welcome you.

U.S. Border Patrol Agents, Detroit / Wikimedia Commons - Vmenkov, CC BY-SA 3.0
Religious Freedom: The U.S. Bishops Express Their Concern for Refugees
In Response to the Executive Order