Pope Francis stressed this today to members of the Papal Foundation, who are in Rome for their annual pilgrimage. The foundation is a charity which financially supports the pastoral activities of the pontiffs.
According to its website, the Papal Foundation began in 1988 as a response to the desire of Catholic clergy and laity in the U.S. for a unique, sustainable way to support the Holy Father and his witness in the world.
Income generated from the investment of capital creates a perpetual source of revenue. The portfolio does not invest in any companies that engage in activities inconsistent with our faith.
In his address this morning, Pope Francis expressed that their meeting today was «pervaded by the joy of the Easter season, as the Church celebrates the Lord’s victory over death and his gift of new life in the Holy Spirit.»
He expressed his hope that their pilgrimage will strengthen them in faith and hope, and in their «commitment to promote the Church’s mission by supporting so many religious and charitable causes close to the heart of the Pope.»
Our Witness to Gospel Is Needed
«Today’s world, so often torn by violence, greed and indifference,» the Pope went on to say, «greatly needs our witness to the Gospel message of hope in the redemptive and reconciling power of God’s love.»
The Pontiff thanked them for their desire to assist the Church’s efforts to proclaim the message of hope «to the ends of the earth» and to work for the spiritual and material advancement of our brothers and sisters throughout the world, especially in developing countries.
Each Called to Foster Unity, Peace
«Each of us, as a living member of Christ’s body,» he stressed, «is called to foster the unity and peace that is the Father’s will, in Christ, for our human family and all its members.»
Pope Francis, before concluding and giving his Apostolic Blessing, said: I ask you, as a vital part of your commitment to the work of the Papal Foundation, to pray for the needs of the poor, the conversion of hearts, the spread of the Gospel, and the Church’s growth in holiness and missionary zeal.»
«And I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me!»
On ZENIT’s Web page
Full Text: https://zenit.org/articles/popes-address-to-papal-foundation-2/
On the NET:
Official Site of the Papal Foundation: https://www.thepapalfoundation.org/

Pope: 'We Must Be Witnesses of the Gospel'
Speaking to Papal Foundation, Stresses In Today’s World, ‘So Often Torn by Violence, Greed and Indifference,» Our Witness Is ‘Greatly Needed’