Here is a ZENIT translation of the address Pope Francis gave today before and after praying the midday Regina Coeli with those gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
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Before the Regina Coeli:
Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning!
Published today, on the feast of Pentecost, is my Message for the next World Missionary Day, which is held every year in the month of October. The theme is: The Mission at the Heart of the Christian Faith. May the Holy Spirit sustain the mission of the Church in the whole world, and give strength to all men and women missionaries of the Gospel. May the Spirit give peace to the whole world, heal the wounds of war and terrorism, which also last night struck innocent civilians in London: we pray for the victims and their families.
I greet all of you, pilgrims from Italy and from many parts of the world, who took part in this celebration. In particular, the groups of Catholic Charismatic Renewal, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its foundation, and also the brothers and sisters of other Christian Confessions who joined us in our prayer. I greet the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Latin American countries.
I greet and thank the choir and orchestra of youngsters of Carpi, who performed some songs during this Holy Mass, in collaboration with the Sistine Chapel.
We now invoke the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary. May she obtain for us the grace to be strongly animated by the Holy Spirit, to witness Christ with evangelical openness.
[Original text: Italian] [Translation by Virginia M. Forrester]

Pentecost Sunday 2017 / © PHOTO.VA - OSSERVATORE ROMANO
Regina Coeli Address: Message for Next October’s World Missionary Day
“May the Holy Spirit Sustain the Mission of the Church in the Whole World”