Pope Benedict has written the preface to the Russian version of the Opera Omnia (‘Collected Works’) by Joseph Ratzinger ‘Theology of the Liturgy,’ reported the Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation, a Vatican institute inspired by the German Pontiff.
On September 25, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, president of the Department for External Church Relations of the Patriarchate of Moscow, was present in Rome for an ecumenical meeting, where he gave Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI a copy of the volume XI of the Opera Omnia by Joseph Ratzinger, ‘Theology of the Liturgy,’ translated and published in Russian for the editions of the Patriarchate of Moscow.
The initiative is the result of formal scientific and editorial cooperation between the Publishing House of the Patriarchate of Moscow, the International Association «Sofia: Russian Idea, Idea of Europe,» the International «Sapientia et Scientia» Academy, Libreria Editrice Vaticana and the Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation.
Decided with the metropolitan, a solemn presentation of the volume will be organized in the spring in Moscow at the Theological School of the Patriarchate, in conjunction with the summer session of the academy’s work. The initiative will continue with the Russian publication of the trilogy on Jesus of Nazareth.
The Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation has published the Preface written by Pope Benedict XVI for the volume on the Liturgy, of which Metropolitan Hilarion wanted to be the curator for the Russian edition. It can be accessed in Italian here: http://www.fondazioneratzinger.va/content/dam/fondazioneratzinger/contributi/Prefazione%20Papa%20emerito%20edizione%20russa%20Opera%20omnia.pdf

Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI Writes Preface to Russian Version of Omnia
Metropolitan Gave Pope Francis, Benedict XVI a Copy of the Volume