Pope Francis expressed his grief for the massacre on October 14, 2017, that killed more than 300, many of them children. His appeal came during his October 18, 2017, General Audience in St. Peter’s Square.
The Holy Father’s Appeal
I wish to express my grief for the massacre a few days ago at Mogadishu, Somalia, which left more than three hundred dead, among them children. This terrorist act merits the firmest censure, also because it raged on a population already greatly tried. I pray for the deceased and for the wounded, for their families and for all the people of Somalia. I implore the conversion of the violent and I encourage all those that, with enormous difficulties, work for peace in that martyred land.
[Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester]

Pope Francis praying, Vatican Media
Pope Appeals for Somalia
Expresses Grief for Massacre at Mogadishu