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Vatican to Host Congress on November 16-17 on End of Life

Meeting of the World Medical Association

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A congress of the European Region of the World Medical Association (AMM) on the end of life will be held in the Vatican, on November 16-17, 2017 in collaboration with the Pontifical Academy for Life. A message from the Pope will be delivered at the opening of the works.
The Holy See published the program of this meeting two days in advance. Its theme is “Questions on the End of Life.” Doctors, professors and experts from the whole world, including Turkey, Japan, the United States, Israel . . . are expected to attend, among them French participants Marie-Jo Thiel, Directress of the European Center of Teaching and Research in Ethics; Anne de la Tour, President of the French Society of Accompaniment and Palliative Care; Laurence Lwoff, head of the Bioethics Unit of the Council of Europe; Swiss Yvonne Gilli, member of the Central Committee of the Federation of Swiss Doctors, and Belgians Marco Greco, President of the European Patients’ Forum and Chris Gastmans, Professor of Medical Ethics at Louvain University.
AMM is an international organization of doctors founded in 1947. Its official Internet site states that its objective is “to serve humanity by making an effort to attain the highest international norms in the matter of medical teaching, medical science, medical art, medical ethics and health care for all peoples of the world.”

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Anne Kurian-Montabone

Laurea in Teologia (2008) alla Facoltà di teologia presso l'Ecole cathedrale di Parigi. Ha lavorato 8 anni per il giornale settimanale francese France Catholique" e participato per 6 mese al giornale "Vocation" del servizio vocazionale delle chiesa di Parigi. Co-autore di un libro sulla preghiera al Sacro Cuore. Dall'ottobre 2011 è Collaboratrice della redazione francese di Zenit."

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