Pope Francis on November 23, 2017, received in audience Miodrag Vlahović, ambassador of Montenegro to the Holy See, for the presentation of his credential letters.
Miodrag Vlahović, Ambassador of Montenegro
Miodrag Vlahović was born in Dakovica, Kosovo, on November 15, 1961.
He is married with three daughters.
He holds a degree in law from the Faculty of Law of Montenegro Veljko Vlhović in Titograd (Podgorica, 1981), and specialized in international trade contracts in Leiden, Netherlands (1991).
He has held the following offices, among others: founder and conceptualist of Studeks (Students’ Experiment) in Podgorica, Titograd (1985); international secretary and member of the Federal Presidency, Youth Socialist Union of Yugoslavia (SSOJ), Belgrade (1985-1988); proprietor of MConsult Ldt, one of the first private consulting companies in Montenegro (since 1990); founder of the Committee of Citizens for Peace, Montenegrin peace movement (1991-1992) and organizer of the first demonstration for peace in Montenegro, on 17 July 1991; columnist for the weekly journal “Monitor” (1991-1993); international secretary for the Liberal Alliance of Montenegro (LSCG) (1992-1993); Member of Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro (1992-1994); founder-member of Cedem, Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (1998); president of the Independent Montenegro Movement (1999); columnist for the weekly journal “Monitor” (1999-2000); director of the Centre for Regional Studies (CeRS) (1999-2004); board member of the Open Society Institute Montenegro (2002-2004); Minister of Foreign Affairs (07.2004-11.2006); ambassador to the United States, Canada and Iceland with residence in Washington DC (2006-2010); ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2014); editor of the journal “Probjeda” (since 2014); president of the CDU of the Democratic Union of Montenegro (2014-2016); ambassador in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (from 2016 to date).
He speaks English and Italian.
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Montenegro: Pope Receives Ambassador
Miodrag Vlahović Presents Credentials