Pope Francis’ prayer intention for March 2018 is for formation in spiritual discernment: «That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on
the personal and communitarian levels.»
The theme is promoted throughout the world by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network.
In the video promoting the theme, released March 2, 2018, the Holy Father stressed that «In the midst of all the things we hear and the messages that we get, we must learn how to discern what Christ is asking. To do this, we must have good formation based on discerning the voice of the Lord.»
Words from the video:
In the midst of all the things we hear and the messages that we get, we must learn how to discern what Christ is asking. To do this, we must have good formation based on discerning the voice of the Lord.
“The Church today needs to grow in the ability of spiritual discernment.
There are many ways of living life well, using it for serving human and Christian ideals.
We were created by God out of love and to love. Every Christian ought to grow in the ability to “read within” his or her life and to understand where and to what he or she is being called by the Lord, in order to carry on his mission.
The times in which we live demand that we develop a profound capacity of discernment… To discern, from among all the voices we hear, which is the Lord’s voice, which is the voice of Him who guides us to the Resurrection, to Life, and the voice that frees us from falling into the “culture of death.
Let us pray together that the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.”

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Pope's March 2018 Prayer Intention: Formation in Spiritual Discernment
That the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.