The Pre-Synod on young people is all ready to begin. Pope Francis will ‘open’ the encounter, deciding to spend the morning of March 19 to be with young people, reported Vatican News.
It is interesting to recall that the Maria Mater Ecclesiae International Pontifical College, where the Pre-Synod will be held, received 20 years ago, on March 19, the visit of John Paul II, “great promoter of youth.”
It’s another gesture of closeness, demonstrating the Church’s interest to listen to and to give young people an opportunity to express their concerns, to find the way of supporting them.
During his visit to Mexico, the Holy Father gave one of the great definitions of youth during his trip to Mexico, when he said to them: “You are the wealth of your country.”

copyright - Vatican Media
All Is Ready to Begin the Pre-Synod with Young People in the Vatican
Pope Francis Will Spend Monday Morning, March 19, with Young People at PCIMME, Where JPII Stepped Foot 20 Years Ago