For the feast of St. George, and Pope Francis’ namesake day, the Pope is giving 3,000 gelatos to Rome’s poor and needy.
This was announced this morning in a note from the papal almoner, stating Pope Francis wishes to celebrate his name day–as the Pope’s given name is Jorge (George) — with the homeless and most needy of Rome.
«Therefore, today, in the day in which the Church remembers St. George, 3,000 ice creams will be given to those who daily come to the food kitchens, dormitories and other structures in the capital, run in great part by Caritas.»
Today’s feast day is a big celebration in Italy.

Gelato for St. George's Day: On Feast of Pope's Namesake, 3000 Ice Creams for the Poor & Needy
Happy Feast of St. George!