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Pray the Rosary

Articles from May 23, 2018

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Pope Francis Exhorts to Pray the Rosary for Peace

Greets Young People, the Sick, the Elderly and Newlyweds

GENERAL AUDIENCE: On Confirmation (Part I)

‘If in Baptism it’s the Holy Spirit that immerses us in Christ, in Confirmation it’s Christ that fills us with His Spirit, consecrating us His witnesses, participants in the same principle of life and of mission, according to the celestial Father’s plan’

‘Invoke the Holy Spirit More,’ Urges Pope

Reminds Arabic-speaking Pilgrims to Always Become Better and Truer Disciples of Jesus Christ

IOR Publishes Annual Report 2017

The Financial Statements have been audited by the independent auditing firm Deloitte &
Touche S.p.A.

Pope to Chinese Catholics: ‘Universal Church Prays With You & for You’

Wish for Brotherhood & Reconciliation, in Full Communion With Rome

Pope Francis Will Receive 5 Priests Who Were Victims of Abuse in Chile

To ‘listen to their valuable opinion to improve the existing preventive measures and the fight against abuses in the Church’

General Audience: Pope: Confirmation Makes Us Sharers in Jesus’ Own Life & Mission

‘May this sacrament strengthen us to be ever docile to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as we strive in all our actions and words to live fully the new life received in Baptism and to advance the Church’s mission in the world’

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