To witness the Lordship of Christ, alive and working among us, not only with words, but with the gift of life itself, is the supreme value of a Christian.
Toward the conclusion of today’s General Audience on August 29, 2018, Pope Francis recalled that today marks the Liturgical Memorial of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, noting that the saint’s life and martyrdom offer this witness.
The Pope was addressing young people, newlyweds and the sick in Italian, after having he reflected in his catechesis on his Aug. 25-26 Apostolic Trip to Ireland, for the occasion of the 9th World Meeting of Families.
«The heroic sacrifice of the St. John the Baptist,» the Pope said, «teaches us to understand the supreme value for a Christian: to witness the Lordship of Christ, alive and working among us, not only with words, but with the gift of life itself.»
«God bless you all!»

General Audience © Vatican Media
Supreme Value of a Christian? Witness with Whole Life, Not Just Words, That Christ Is Lord
Pope Recalls Liturgical Memorial of Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist on August 29