Asia Bibi (© British Pakistani Christian Association)

Pakistan: Asia Bibi Concerned About Fate of Daughters

But She Continues to Demonstrate Great Faith

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«We are afraid. In recent days people fired on the home gate where we were. We constantly receive threats and more than once have been followed. »
It is the dramatic situation experienced by the daughters of Asia Bibi, told to Aid to the Church in Need by Joseph Nadeem, the man who since the sentencing of a Christian woman for blasphemy took care of her family. With Asia jailed and her husband nearly illiterate, Nadeem was there to help them with lawyers and accompany Ashiq and his youngest daughter Eisham on trips abroad during which they have given their testimony.
Today Nadeem Joseph and his family are in danger and they live together with the daughters of Asia Bibi.
«As soon as Asia was acquitted we had to flee.  She and her husband are in a safe place protected by the government, but we could not stay with them,»  he said. Since then, the Nadeem family and the two daughters of Asia have had to change four houses. «The Islamists are hunting them and whenever we sense danger, immediately run away. We can not even go grocery shopping. I only go out at night and with their face covered. »
Asia is aware of the difficult situation.
«I have met newly liberated and every day we talk on the phone with her. She is very concerned about his daughters,» Nadeem said.  Esha and Eisham have not yet re-embraced his mother, but eventually, by telephone, could regain even a small connection.
«I will never forget their first phone call. Esha and Eisham cried for hours for joy. Asia cannot wait to meet them and hopes to soon leave the country with them and her husband, » Nadeem said.
Despite her nightmare that is not yet over, Asia Bibi shows a faith and an extraordinary force.
«This is an incredible woman! She has retained an unshakeable faith and an infinite trust in the Lord. It sounds strange but it is she who supports us in these difficult times. She invites us not to be discouraged and says that compared to what you spent so far, this is just a brief moment that will pass,» Nadeem said.
Nadeem and the daughters of Asia are well aware of the interest and information flow around the world has raised regarding the case of the mother.
«The attention and international solidarity comfort us. Eisham was moved when he saw her video message screened at Venice illuminated red. All of us, including Asia, we are grateful to those who raise their voices to denounce our situation,» Nadeem said.
«W expect to be able to leave early Pakistan to live in a safe place. Aid to the Church in Need was the first group to offer hospitality. And we hope that our two families can spend this Christmas in Rome, together with you,» Nadeem concluded.

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