On behalf of Pope Francis, the Apostolic Almonry (Papal Charities) has invited a group of poor for a Christmas lunch on December 18, 2018, offered by athletes of the Yellow Flames Sports Group, in the Customs Sports Center at Castelporziano. The poor are assisted by Caritas of the Diocese of Rome, in the Refectory and in the Hospitality Center at Ostia, on via Lungomare Toscanelli.
The athletes themselves will cook the lunch and serve the guests. They will share with them a day of celebration full of the fun that sport can offer, in a family atmosphere, as well as with symbolic gifts.
The initiative was made possible by Athletica Vaticana, the Holy See’s sprinting representative, which wished to re-launch Pope Francis’ appeal to live Christmas in the name of solidarity and of concrete attention to the neediest people. It is a testimony of charity and fraternity through the language of sport that, by its nature, provides for inclusion and respect for the dignity of the last.

Yellow Flames Website Capture
Papal Charities Invites Poor to Lunch on December 18, 2018
Athletes of Yellow Flames Sports Group Will do the Cooking